
Chicken Adobo Recipe Filipino Dish

Chicken Adobo Recipe Filipino Dish

Chicken Adobo Recipe

Chicken thighs (boneless and skinless)

Apple cider vinegar (3 tablespoons)

Soy sauce (2 tablespoons low sodium)

Sea salt

Black pepper

Garlic powder

Bay leaves

Extra virgin olive oil

Heat cooking pot and add extra virgin olive oil. Add your chicken thighs and saute with sea salt, black pepper and garlic powder until chicken are seared. Add apple cider vinegar and low sodium soy sauce and mix them together. Add 3 or 4 bay leaves on top of the chicken. Cover pot with just a little bit of opening and put heat on medium. Keep an eye on the chicken until fully cooked. You may add a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and a tiny bit of water in between cooking and maybe add a little bit more of the seasoning depending on your taste. Serve chicken adobo with brown rice and whatever veggies you prefer.

The picture that you see is a picture of Mt. Pinatubo one of several volcanoes in the Philippines. Mount Pinatubo is situated in the southern part of Luzon. It is one of the biggest volcanoes in the Philippines. Mt. Pinatubo erupted in June of 1991 breaking away a big part of the top of the volcano. The summit of the volcano collapsed into the under laying magma chamber. The result was an enormous depression, the caldera, with a 2.5 kilometer diameter. The new summit of the volcano was 145 meters lower than before the explosion.

I will post a picture of the chicken adobo the next time I make the dish.

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